彡(^)(^) heya

彡(^)(^) you’ve been busy, huh?

彡(゚)(゚) so, i’ve got a question for ya.

彡(-)(-) do you think even the worst person can change. . . ?

彡(-)(-) that everybody can be a good person, if they just try?

彡(゚)(゚) heh heh heh he. . .all right.

彡(゚)(゚) well here’s a better question.

彡(●)(●) do you wanna have a bad time?

彡(-)(-) cause if you take another step forward. . .

彡(●)(●) you are REALLY not going to like what happens next.

彡(-)(-) welp

彡(-)(-) sorry, old lady

彡(-)(-) this is why i never make promises.