Wai "No, no, no, no, I don't want to get rid of it ♡♡♡"

Lelouch (while Geass is active) "No way !?"

Wai "Foo ♡ Foo ♡ Yeah ♡ I have to cum with my nipples ♡♡"

Lelouch "Forget the current order! Wai !!!"

(Wai ♡ Start running somewhere ♡♡)

-Stadium center-



Wai "Everyone who claims to be Japanese ♡ Foo ♡ Foo ♡ Please see Wai's nipple acme ♡♡" Bin ♡ Bin ♡

Audience "Eh ..." "What did you say now?" "Lie ..."

Lelouch "Stop it !!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Crispy Crispy ♡♡♡♡♡

Wai "Ahhhhh ♡♡♡♡♡" Big Big ♡♡

Audience "No, oh, oh !!!!"