complimenting countries other than japan: 😃

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0001風吹けば名無し2023/07/15(土) 06:00:16.49ID:+dQhJewyH
complimenting japan: 🤢🤬🤬🤬

0002風吹けば名無し2023/07/15(土) 06:00:50.43ID:cpvS71+00
fuck you😎

0003風吹けば名無し2023/07/15(土) 06:01:30.16ID:vwihsEBu0
thank you😆👍

0004風吹けば名無し2023/07/15(土) 06:03:48.50ID:+dQhJewyH
i think we should stop them thinking that everybody who compliments japan is weeb

0005風吹けば名無し2023/07/15(土) 06:05:57.66ID:+dQhJewyH
but sadly there's no chance for that because most of japanese become kimochiiii when they get complimented by foreigners
horuhoru making this country worse and worse🤢🤢🤢

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