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0001風吹けば名無し2022/10/05(水) 13:26:19.63ID:ti5RfJM70
People do not have the ability to recognize or confirm everything as real things.

Or rather, we recognize only little things as reality, and the range is limited to your own watching, smelling, and touching. Besides these, everything is nothing but the “plausible reality”, which is virtually built in the virtual world of words, and just connected with the reality we recognize.

It is not because we are lacking of susceptibility, much less psychopathy that we don't cry for a miserable scene over our monitor, and few seconds later, zapp the channel, laughing out loud.

Only when we developed artificial instruments for communication such as letter and signal technology, we were able to know the incidents that happen some kilometers away. It is the very recent event that has happened over the last 5000 years or so.
Human traits are incapable of adapting and changing in such a short time.

The further away from us things are, the more not being "reality" are these, which are actually not "reality" in our own subjective reality. If we heard of a tragic story and so on from somewhere far away  in the universe, would it be a "real" event? "Distance" or "a sense of distance" only rules what is "reality", or we might say "a sense of reality" is the fear of threatening our own suvival itself.

Our peace depends on incapablity of adapting to the accumulation of information that remains inflated. If we recognized all of "reality" expanded by the rising of various media and signal technologies, as the same experience which we actually watched by own eyes and heard by own ears, we would break down cring everytime a tragic event happen, and our ordinary life will collapse. In the end, insensitivity is none other than the feature for our surviving.

I like walking over to the strange-colored buildings in the distance and touching them.  To make the distant mirage a reality, make it my reality.

0002風吹けば名無し2022/10/05(水) 13:27:45.50ID:ti5RfJM70

0003風吹けば名無し2022/10/05(水) 13:29:32.47ID:XutToZ8Wa

0004風吹けば名無し2022/10/05(水) 13:32:09.07ID:vYyzkc2/M

0005風吹けば名無し2022/10/05(水) 13:33:05.71ID:ti5RfJM70

0006風吹けば名無し2022/10/05(水) 13:33:48.22ID:ti5RfJM70

0007風吹けば名無し2022/10/05(水) 13:36:47.01ID:JjuPXQXVd




私たちから遠いところにあるものほど、実は私たち自身の主観的な現実の中では「現実」ではないのである。もし、宇宙のどこか遠くから悲惨な話などを聞いたとしたら、それは「現実」の出来事なのだろうか。"距離 "あるいは "距離感 "が "現実 "を支配しているだけであり、"現実感 "とは自分自身の生存を脅かす恐怖そのものと言ってもよいだろう。


私は、遠くに見える奇妙な色の建物に近づき、それに触れるのが好きだ。 遠くの蜃気楼を現実のものとするために、それを私の現実とする。

0008風吹けば名無し2022/10/05(水) 13:37:00.84ID:se8F5ir80

0009風吹けば名無し2022/10/05(水) 13:39:34.51ID:vYyzkc2/M

0010風吹けば名無し2022/10/05(水) 13:41:30.17ID:ti5RfJM70
7行目の, andのカンマ不要やな

0011風吹けば名無し2022/10/05(水) 13:42:10.16ID:ti5RfJM70

■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています